Upscale Zurich neighbourhood gets Louis Vuitton sewers

This morning, I went for my weekly run around Zurichberg neighborhood which is pretty much to the city of Zurich what Beverly Hills is to L.A. There is an urban legend saying that the name of the city comes from the combination of the German "zu" and the English "rich", meaning "too rich".

Zurich is world-reknown not only for its always-on-time trams and trains but also for its world class urban infrastructure. To the opposite of the North-American why-fix-if-it-ain't-broken mentality, Zurich loves to fix almost perfect stuff to make sure it is perfect. And if you think this culture of perfection is limited to the squeaky clean sidewalks and the ridiculously smooths surface of the streets, think again. Click at the picture I took during my Sunday run: one of the main roads through Zurich's exclusive district 7 gets a brand new sewage system. I guess the old one will be dissembled and sold to New York City or Philadelphia because it surely can transport human ordure for many years to come. What stroke me was the super shiny, high class ceramic pipes that the city chose for the feces of its wealthiest citizens. I stopped in awe to take a closer look.

And that is when I saw the discreet Louis Vuitton logo on the pipes! "C'mon", I said, rubbing my eyes in disbelieve. I was not aware either that the French luxury brand had diversified into other consumer markets. But then again, am I surprised that even shit gets a royal treatment in Zurich? Not really. As from now on, taking a dump will feel so much better. I am sure it won't be long to see hip Airbnb penthouses in the neighborhood bragging with Louis Vuitton highspeed fecal pipes.

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