Who deactivated Homo Sapiens? health feature?

This week, Switzerland announced free self-tests for the entire population to fight the COVID 19 ?pandemic?. Never mind that the median age of a Swiss corona death is above the average life expectancy in Switzerland. Ignore that up to 40% of COVID positive tested individuals do not show any symptoms and that up to 30% of deaths were collateral damage of lockdowns and fear mongering.

Within only one year, we managed to reverse the most precious ?default setting? of human beings: our health. Homo sapiens became the undisputed ruler of this planet explicitly because of its resilience, flexibility and adaption to changing environments. Health is a ?standard feature? that comes pre-installed in most human bodies and that can be updated for free throughout life ? mostly through healthy food, exercising and hygiene.

The flooding of free tests and the mandatory face masks suggest that our new default setting has been changed from healthy to sick. This of course is the prerequisite to sell health as a service. Software as a service (SaaS in short) has become the world standard of the software business whereby the user of a software pays a monthly fee to get access to a cloud-based software. Health as a service (HaaS, I guess) seems to be the global strategy of COVID 19 rule makers to sell us back the stolen health in form of ongoing testing and vaccinations.

Now what? Live, love and laugh, eat well and exercise. This is by far the most effective protection against this global hysteria that has set out to make us all feel sick and then sell us a solution. And yes, you might want to curb most mainstream media news and switch to independent and fact based information.

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