Wake up!

It was on October 4th, 1933, when Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels and his National socialist cabinet passed a law known as ?Schriftleitergesetz?. The law came into force on January 1st, 1934, and made of German journalists and the German press a controlled, synchronized propaganda machine for the Third Reich. About 1300 journalists lost their jobs, either because they were Jewish or not willing to actively support the NSPAD agenda. Loyal journalists had to be member of the ?Reichspressekammer?, a Nazi controlled, political body keeping total control on media content in Germany. It took five and a half years to turn reasonably thinking and peace-loving Germans into a Jew-hating and war-embracing nation.

Skip forward 91 years and closely observe a consortium of investors led by Elon Musk offering $97.4 billion to grab and control OpenAI. After having turned Twitter into his own propaganda machine, buying the keys to any US-Department, Database or Financial authority through a combined $277 million of donation to the republican party and Donald Trump, he reaches for the very foundation of AI based information. All of a sudden, Goebbels typewriter and paper-based architecture of opinion shaping looks like chicken shit compared to what we are witnessing as I write these lines. Those who fall asleep in a democracy wake up in a dictatorship. Please grab some energy drinks folks, will you?

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Wake up!
It was on October 4th, 1933, when Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels and his National socialist cabinet passed a law known as ?Schriftleitergesetz?. The law came into force on January 1st, 1934, and made of German journalists and the German press a controlled, synchronized propaganda machine for the Third Reich. About 1300 journalists lost their jobs, either […]
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