Mom, Dad, this is why I play Fortnite!

Dear boys, dear girls, here's something really useful: A Lifehack list to reason with your parents rather than freaking out when disturbed amidst an epic "Fortnite" game. Should the latter arrive: breathe deeply, stay cool and act like a rock star by using this cheat-sheet. You can combine the individual points as you like. Good luck

1. Social responsibility

"Fortnite" helps me to consolidate and expand my social skills. In the Battle Royal mode, there is only one winner or winning team in the end. Without prior agreement, punctual appearance and precise arrangements prior to the game, there?s no chance winning. Incidentally, with every preparation meeting, I learn a lot about my teammates? social behaviour.

2. Strategic thinking

Daddy, what you told me about your "offsite meeting" in the office where you spearheaded future scenarios and presented them back to the teams, I have no time for that. I have to be able to access my strategic thinking in real time. Do I build a fortress? Do we jump together or at different times on the island? Are we attacking or hiding? These are just a few of countless strategic and tactical scenarios that I need to decide on as a single player or team player. One wrong decision is usually lethal.

3. Empathy

Since every "Fortnite" game starts with at least 96 unknown players, it helps me to empathize with my enemy. When I see an opponent with a Galaxy Skin in front of me, I observe him briefly from a safe distance, to find out if he is really as good as the hefty price of his skin. You know, if I stiffened in awe, it would be as if you were standing still in the middle of a busy intersection staring after a Maserati.

4. Resilience

Ha! Have you ever seen a job description that does not look for a resilient personality? Exactly, my load capacity is put through its paces. The longer I survive, the tighter the playground, the more extreme the strain. Incidentally, thanks to such stress tests, I am better able to cope with the stress of exams in school.

5. Concentration

Now I finally understand what you mean when you keep telling me at homework that I should concentrate. During the twenty to thirty minutes of a "Fortnite" game, full concentration is a prerequisite and the only way to win. It is my duty as a trustworthy team player to warn teammates of a hidden sniper.

6. Solidarity

As I explained to you at the point of social responsibility, a well-rehearsed team is very important. Based Mutual trust and best possible preparedness among colleagues is built up with every game and improves with each iteration. And if one of my friends should fall in the heat of battle, we decide in real time via headsets, whether the situation allows the few seconds it takes to revive him with collective solidarity among dangers of death. Virtual brotherhood with resurrection!

7. Responsiveness

Of course, I have to master my work tool. A wrong typing on the phone or a delayed keypress can be fatal.


If my friends were tragically killed and I could not revive them, it's time to persevere. During the game, I also learn to resist my desire for revenge, so as not to expose myself to additional dangers. What you call risk management in the management meeting, I learn and apply it on the go and remember my mistakes for each new round. Of course, the ultimate recognition of my stamina is to be the only survivor to win the game and thus help my lost teammates achieve posthuman honor.

9. Spatial imagination

Mommy, imagine you're traveling alone in an unknown big city in your car and suddenly your GPS fails. Totally lost, right? Thanks to my regular Fortnite training, I've learned to remember complex maps and recognize them in the game. With this skill and the old road atlas in the glove box, I could probably help you and bring you safely to your destination.

10. Fun

Do you understand now that this is not just a stupid ego-shooter game? I playfully acquire many skills for life and even enjoy it. I'd like to invite you to look over my shoulder at the next game instead of turning off the Wi-Fi signal without warning. Please write down your questions so I can take time after the game to explain everything to you. Thank you.

This article originally appeared in German on Tages-Anzeiger on November 28, 2018

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