The Marketer’s Dilemma

Marketing is the bridge between offer and demand. It has originally been invented when offer outperformed demand due to newly invented mass production. By selling promises (ex. Redbull gives you Wings) and focusing on the brand, new needs were created. Keeping promises though involves expenses. Subway?s promise to ?eat fresh? means throwing away tons of perfectly eatable food that does not look fresh. Meticulous loyalty to one?s brand promise therefore comes at significant cost. This is probably why Subways twelve inch sandwich is in fact 11 inches long. What I call the marketer?s dilemma hence consist of creating value by selling promises, creating trust by keeping promises while focusing on maximizing the gap between the former and the later to boost profits. Arguably the most elegant way of maximizing profits and avoiding the delivery of the brands promise altogether is by positioning the brand?s promise fulfillment into our after-life period. The world renown brand promise ?Respect the 10 commandments and escape from hell to heaven ? has been generating billions of dollars throughout the last 2000 years. While the brand experience of this global brand is mostly generated only by social interaction of other brand ambassadors (i.e. crowd-sourced), it offers stunning venues that are usually situated within prime real estate zones of city centers featuring wall art on high ceilings, towers with bells and the iconic logo on the top. Hard to beat.

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