Hey Google, what?s next with Corona virus COVID-19?

One thing that strikes me in this unprecedented media hype around the Corona virus is the suspect silence of Google and Facebook. Both multinationals are sitting on incredibly complete and accurate mountains of data. Remember, sinister use if such data can win elections or trigger mass murders.

I can think back to several Google sales pitches I got many years ago with sales representatives  priding themselves of the insights they can get from aggregated search results.

Here is Mr. Eric Schmidt back in 2012 (yes, eight years ago) explaining the stunning capabilities of Google:

?Through centralized information, there are a lot of things that you can do that you couldn?t do before. We can alert the health care professionals and get them in the cycle six months ahead [of the flu].?

Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, 2012

Hey Google, why aren?t you sharing your knowledge? Hey Mr. Sundar Pichai, why are you not informing of the public about the state of Covid-19 propagation? Dear Larry and Sergey, please don?t be evil. If sharing was caring (teilen ist heilen), Google would use its data to predict future Corona virus outbreaks just like it visualizes traffic jams on Google maps.

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